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Submitted by: Kristyyr Sinsara
This is the time of year where we all like to think a little further outside of ourselves than we may do throughout the rest of the year. Whether just dropping our spare change into a Salvation Army bucket or donating to charities in the names of our loved ones, we all get a bit more generous around the holidays. However, for many, such as Shade Tree Shelter and Kristy Sinsara of the Consumer Advocacy Group, giving isn’t a once a year event. These organization work year-round to improve their communities and to build a better life for those in need. Kristy Sinsara and the Consumer Advocacy Group have been diligent in their efforts to help distressed homeowners, suffering under the burden of ballooning interest rates on sub-prime mortgage loans. Kristy Sinsara has also been very vocal, both in Washington and at home in calling out lenders for their misuse of TARP funds and for their continued disregard for the American public, specifically those homeowners most affected by the unscrupulous lending practices of big money lenders like Bank of America, the now defunct Countrywide Financial Corp. (bought up by B of A) and others. Kristy Sinsara’s dedication to the community reaches beyond just helping those in danger of losing their homes. She also cares deeply for those who find themselves without shelter for reasons other than mortgage issues. The Shade Tree Shelter has long been an organization that Kristy Sinsara has held in high regard. The Shade Tree Shelter takes in those who are victims of domestic violence. The Shade Tree Shelter is open around the clock to those in need, with no restrictions on how long they can stay. Because they offer this level of commitment to those in need they have a great need for donation, not just of money and supplies, but also of manpower. Shade Tree Shelter is well known for helping to empower and educate victims of domestic violence, much as Kristy Sinsara seeks to educated and arm homeowners. It’s little wonder that, when looking to reach out to the community, Kristy Sinsara and the Consumer Advocacy Group hit upon Shade Tree Shelter as an eminently worthy cause.
The Consumer Advocacy Group is, itself, a largely not-for-profit organization. Rather than charging those they help, most of whom are already struggling financially, Kristy Sinsara and her organization ask that those who receive help give back by volunteering for charities such as Shade Tree Shelter. Kirsty Sinsara and the Consumer Advocacy Group also assist in fund raising efforts for Shade Tree. In November, Consumer Advocacy Group worked with the Shade Tree Shelter to raise money and donations of goods to provide a spectacular Thanksgiving feast for the residence of Shade Tree. Shade Tree and the Consumer Advocacy Group have continued to work together and have collected toys and other donations to provide a special Christmas for women and children under the care of Shade Tree Shelter. Kristy Sinsara understands what it means to be without a home. Whether the victim of unscrupulous lenders or of domestic violence, Kristy Sinsara and the Consumer Advocacy Group, with the help of Shade Tree Shelter, want to make sure that those in need are having those needs met.
About the Author:
is a leading specialist in the field of debt relief and the mortgage crisis. Follow Kristy’s Twitter at
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